Hello, dearest Sonia. Thank you for staying, sticking with me this long. Thank you for being you, and please keep being you. This world is cruel, and needs more people like you.

Dearest, dearest Chloe. Thank you for keeping me around as a friend of yours, I bid you my endless gratitude. You deserve everything good this world has to offer. Please never change for anybody.

You always tell me, questioning me why I never get tired of you. The answer is simple: because you'll do the same for me and I value you for that, I cherish every moment we have shared. Thank you, for everything.

u ugli

I love you, Wang Jiaer. I truly love you. There's something different about you, that makes you . . . you. I could write an endless paragraph about you, but it wouldn't be fair for the rest of them, would it? I love you, and thank you.

Alright, listen to me. No matter if you are Jackson, Jaehyun, Hoseok, or anybody whatever FC you're using, I love you. Will always do, as long as you wish it.

You're one of my old friends, that still however, not bored of me and still maintain the friendship with me. Orang gila lo hadid gita, LAMA BANGET KITA TEMENAN KENAPA YA HAHAHAH anyway, Ilove you and thank you for being my friend. Stick and stay with me, okay? OK.

Halsi, baby, Ashley. I have known you for the LONGEST time period, and it is such a privilege to get to know you better and better each they. Although we rarely talk now, I still value our friendship and your effort to reach out to me, thank you for everything.

PAPA JOEL BOOMER! Thank you for staying with me this long, papa. We have shared so many things, and I.m glad that you are comfortable enough to tell your stories about your day and everything to me. Keep up with the cat memes, love you!

My dear sad girl Sara, thank you for everything you have done to me. From the nonsense talk to the serious ones, thank you for staying with me and trust me enough to be a friend of yours. You deserve so many things this world has to offer; the good ones, of course. I wish you peace and happiness always. I love you, thank you!

Hendery jelek :'( dearest Hendery, thank you for staying with me this long. HONESTLY I DIDN'T AND NEVER EXPECTED US TO BE FRIENDS THIS LONG AND THIS CLOSE HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAH gue capek kalo diinget inget dulu lo jelek banget. but anyway!! Thank you for being my friend I guess and thank you because you keep me as your friend as well. Love you!

My dearest wife, Elle, your ocean eyes make me fall in love over and over again for every time I gaze into them.
Mmaf getau artinya ap ak copas aj kka,,,,
Anyway! Thank you for being a friend of mine, thank you for your patience in dealing with my late replies HSHAHAHHAAHAH I love you so much, I do hope we could become closer as the time flies.
Yours truly,
Barbara Palvin. Model, actress, activist, nature admirer, animal protector, cat provider, meme expert, queen of climate change protest, your dearest wife and sugar mommy.

I honestly didn't expect us to be this close friend yes I consider you to be a close friend of mine and you better do the same or perish </3
STAY HYDRATED MF you might be lack of fruits and veggies but at least stay hydrated would you :/ don't sleep too late! eat well!
I have told you that I value our friendship didn't I? and that means, if you ever facing a problem you feel like you need someone to listen then I'm your gal ok brofist brohug
I wish you happiness as always. Love you, thank you.

Bitch I love you bitch I ain't gon stop loving you bitch.
What an intro, but HEY OMG I KINDA MISS YPOU how long have we been friends tho sjsjsjhsjhshj it's been around two years??? with one year I had been missing in action lol pls don't kill me.
I genuinely really thought nobody would reach out to me anyway, so when I log into my old account out of boredom I WAS SHOOK there you are sending me message once for every six months omg. wig.
I wish you happiness always my baby Kelley now Ester, although there's timezone and language barrier between us HAHAHAH I do hope we still could maintain our friendship ok. I love youuuuuuuuuu be happy in your relationship <3 I love you, thank you.

So many things I wish you knew, so many things you wish I knew.
AAAAAAAAAAA MY DIGO I love you that much ok like who else would be delighted if I call them Digo? NOBODY BUT YOU. wig I love you even though you ghost on me like everyday but it's okay stay busy and stay booked, queen.
just please promise me to stay healthy and stay hydrated. don't forget the fruits and veggies!
I love you, and thank you.
yours truly, sissiyyyyy. :3

Mark lo jelek banget.
Jelek kalo gak mau nikah sama aku awww <3 don't tell Jackson.

wig why you always reply late to everything bahkan lebih laterep dari gue hiks sok sibuk lue padahal gabut.
blosomku kendallku kamu jangan galau galau ya, ada aku disini. KALO MAU CERITA PLS CERITA TAPI DIBALES CHATKU.
makasih udah mau jadi temenku ya sayang, semoga kita bisa terus temenan. lof u. ew.

hlow anak indie lihatlah ini aku bikin carrd buat kamu aoqwkaowkawoakwoawk anyway pls stop being a mafia because even I whom was very glorious with my 21 accounts I guess, now have stopped being mafia :/
that was an intro omg I'm so good at it. My dear Seahorse, thank you for being a friend of mine and thank you for your patience through my trash talks and nonsense talks. You are the friend I could always count on. thank you for being you, thank you for being here. I love you.

AAAAAAA Mis Anne! You have no idea how glad I am to acknowledge that now we are friends. I find myself enjoy talking to you. Thank you for seeing the good in me always, thank you for putting up through my shitty talks and jokes, thank you for being kind to people, thank you for being you.
I sincerely wish we could maintain our friendship for far more time ahead.
I love you, stay healthy!

HENRY MF SIR I MISS YOU?????????? LOOK AT ME I finally can make a carrd lmaoooooo bro I really miss you. your friends miss you too.
a lot of people miiss you. COME BACK TO ME, come back to us.
love you.

Mamamamamamamargot!! Lowkey a fan of a kpop boy group wbk </3 ANYWAY AAAA thank you for staying with me this long?
I have been watching you grow, blossoming into someone better and better each day. I hope you find your happiness, it is yours too. I'm proud of the person you have became.
I love you, thank you!

hlow wibu aku kekurangan satu orang jadi aku masukin kamu aj ehehhe
gAdeng boong. kamu sama si madelyn bbk sepaket soalnya.
Lili you are a very kindhearted person you know that right? I hope you know you worth everything good this world has to offer. You bring the kind side of people, the way people love to interact with you resemblances that you are a trustworthy friend. ALTHOUGH WE DON'T TALK THAT OFTEN AND OUR TALKS ONLY CONSIST OF US BICKERING AT EACH OTHER ABOUT SIAPA YANG PALING WIBU (mostly) I sincerely hope you consider me a friend too.
wig. a confession from a wibu to another hiks.
love you, be happy.

ok mf I know you have left but I genuinely, truly value our friendship. the trash talks, the curhat session, the sad boy sad girl phase, all in one. You are a kind person, okay? not always but you know where to stand and I salute you for that. being kind always is boring anyway.
ok come back soon and I'll write another paragraph.
thank you for being my friend, love u.